Lets just say I was not planning on quite the trip that I received on the way over here. Sunday afternoon I set out to the memphis airport, where I was to start the flights to Thailand. In memphis my plane was delayed due to bad weather. When I go to charlotte NC I just missed my flight there so they booked me on the next flight out saying I should arrive in New York in time to catch my flight to Guangzhou China. This would of all worked out had the flight crew showed up when they were suppose to. But no, they waited three hrs after scheduled departure time to come take us to New York. So ya, I missed my New York flight.
Lets just say:) upon my arrival in New York I was quite distraught. Probably due to my major lack of sleep, the fact that I am a people person and having so much alone time was killing me, and I simply just wanted my mom! Oh ya, I know right. Hannah, your 21 for crying out loud:)
*side note: their was a side to the whole situation that I think my mom found slightly humorous (thanks mom). Mainly, because all I ever do is talk about adventure, traveling, and independence, and here I am calling her every ten minutes trying to choke out through tears that I just wanna come home to her.
Anyways, a kind lady spotted me coming out of the plane which Im sure was due to the fact that I looked like the most scared person she ever saw. On the serious side this lady was the kindest person I ever met. She let me use her phone, gave me a voucher to a nice hotel, and gave me like a gazillion food vouchers. She truly was an answer to my prayers though. She was so sympathetic, probably due to the fact their was a constant stream of tears coming from eyes the whole time she talked to me. I know! It was bad! and humbling. She was mother away from home for a little.
After only a few more hiccups, in 24 hrs I was on a plane headed over the big pond to Guangzhou, China. In china I had an 11 hr layover in which I spent doing homework assignments for the instructors at Igo. I then got my flight to Chiang Mai with only a slight delay due to weather…again.
So…you would think after all that went wrong that nothing else could go wrong…well you wrong. My luggage didn’t arrive with me! Ya, It was to be expected and I truly was expecting it because of everything else so it didn’t even shock me. Whats even funnier is that they took my carryon from me which has extra sets of clothing and things for such a time as this. So all I arrived with was a small little back pack with my laptop, Bible, and what dignity I had left:)
Everyone here has been beyond kind to me though. Giving me things to live with till my stuff arrived which was within 24 hrs. I am not settled in and getting to know this amazing group of students. Their are 14 males and 10 females and 2 interns. I have not had much jet lag at all which is a blessing from God.
my classes:
1.The Christian Family -taught by Jim Weaver(a guest speaker)
This class has already impacted me in that as children we are directly commanded by God to honor our parents. When we do this instead of blaming them for mistakes, or failures in our lives, we then come to find that there will be blessing and security in the Lord. Also, It was just a reminder to pursue your relationship with your parents and do not be scared to tell them what they do for you and what the mean to you.

2.World Religions -taught by Gaylord Barkman (pastor of IGo church)
Right now we are studying Buddhism and Animism quite extensively. The most inspiring thing for me so far was to hear the testimonies of two thai natives here who were converted from buddhism. They just encouraged us to be bold and clear with sharing our testimonies and asking for the Holy Spirit to lead you.

3.Ephesians – taught by Rick Rhodes (administrator)
Ephesians has been a very convicting class. It is just reminding me over and over again that there is nothing in ourselves that saves us. Only through Jesus Christ are we worth anything and because of the great love that He showed us, than what more can I do but serve Him faithfully with my whole heart.

4. Tesol II – taught by Dru Lattin
This class is teaching us how to teach english to non english speaking people. Since teaching English is one of the best ways to get into a closed country and also create relationships with your students, it is good to have a basic knowledge of how to do it if the need should arise on our ministry trips. Often on our ministry trips to other countries we will be asked to teach English so this class enables us to teach effectively.

It has been a good week but also a stretching one. I am ready for the weekend and a day of rest. I just want to thank those of you who are praying for me. It has meant a lot to me. – Yours TrulyIMG_20170825_063356
My fellow study buddies.

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